Friends of the Library

Our Mission is to support the library and staff, by enhancing the resources and services of the library. Friends will develop fundraising activities to provide financial support to the library in promoting the use and enjoyment of the library, by the community in which we live.
We need regular members with ideas, talents and time.
Email the library to get involved:
Friend Meetings
The Friends group meets regularly at the library.
Check the calendar for the next meeting
time and date.
Friends of the Library Vision
As a Friend you will:
…Agree that you believe the Balsam Lake Public Library is essential to our community.
…Help ensure that the Library has a base of community support to seek adequate funding to maintain high quality programs and services.
…Join other concerned citizens dedicated to promoting the value of books, libraries and literacy.
…Have the opportunity to volunteer time to activities and fund raising events sponsored by the Friends of the Balsam Lake Library.

Friends of the Library Board
- President: Kathy Meyers
- VP: Barb Michaelson
- Treasurer: Barb Michaelson
- Secretary: Kathy Donnelly
- At-large Member: DeeDee Stevens-Neal
If you have any questions regarding the Friends group e-mail the library at